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Monday, November 30, 2009

Things Prometric does not know about Indian students
(and the IIMs ought to have told them)
1. India is a developing nation, not a post-modern society like the US
2. In India, writing a competitive test is not an individual affair, it is a family affair
3. Parents mortgage their possessions and property (in many cases) to help their kids prepare for such tests from big cities...this point gives me much pain as i ev seen the things around
4. The social reputation attached with success (and failure) in writing competitive tests in India is ABSENT in the USA..now this thing is observed by most of educationist
5. People work hard for upto 24 months preparing for the CAT - that's not a joke
6. The local dynamics of India are quite different - when a technician tells you that a job will be done, he means it will be done in the 3rd or the 4th attempt (Hence, at least 2 dry runs must be done before attempting anything as grand as an online pan-India IIM-CAT) for the first time