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Monday, November 30, 2009

Shameful dereliction of duty by Testing authorities
u knw guys wat v think ki we people are attracted towards the west we never think ki west also has some "buts" now very frankly i say that 2 days ago my frnd mr. vinay dhyani asked me some tips to change his speaking acent to u.s one ..now the question is fixed that"what are the few things wch can't be done with indian english acent..".really this makes me prone ..
1. The testing authority is of a true Yankee pedigree. They hardly understand the Indian cultural milieu, and have tried to transport a whole system from the US to India without adequate and much-needed local cultural adaptations. The IIMs are desperate to make the CAT an international test, and they think that only Prometric can help them do it. (on a philosophical note, I would think otherwise, as we know that the American model of capitalism itself under a dark, ominous cloud)
2. My first brush with their insensitivity was when they uploaded the first training video (for CAT applicants) in August on YouTube, and I found that two Indian looking characters speaking in amazingly irritating American accents were trying to share process gyan with Indian students. My reaction that day was "IIMCAT to gayi paani mey. This company will ruin it this year". Please refer my blogpost on this topic.
3. I strongly feel that in India, there is no point in using an American accent to create and peddle your stuff. Indian accents will do just fine with 99.9% of us (as for the rest, they are already in the US so forget about them!). This video itself revealed two possible thought patterns - a false sense of tremendous superiority, and a total lack of understanding of cultural nuances. My fear was born that day..."ITS not good at all to be "pritam the music chor " rather becoming baba ramdev the yoga legend is much more rewarding..jus c baba ne apni lungi me puri duniya ko chhupa liya.."..n even he meets the senate of england or wethr opening a international yoga center at rosenburg...
4. The entire process of registrations of CAT Applicants was bogged down in procedural errors, and tremendous amount of heartburn for students. . Far removed physically from the scene of action, and now shielded behind the veil of "online" purdah, the IIMs and Prometric did nothing but issue clarification after clarification. Talk to any applicant and she will tell you that the software was uploaded without any testing. It was a beta! A beta, running the CAT process. Imagine.
5. Today, also the 4th day of the hallowed CAT, the entire system came tumbling down.
# The test was cancelled at more than 20 locations in India..making the total upto 125. Thousands of hapless, stressed-out and anxious students were given no clue as to what will happen next. I found students crying, desperate and totally lost out.
# At some location, students were made to wait for upto 5 hours (without food, water, toilet facilities) and then tersely told to either behave or go away (and i will let you know of your test slot by sms and email).
# Countless errors cropped up at almost all test locations. The software acted funny, and students were left totally bewildered.
# Many students lost out even after working the test for almost the entire duration - a girl at Delhi reported that in the last 30 minutes, the screen went blank.
# For several minutes and hours, at many locations, the test was delayed beyond the official start time (that now seems to be the least of their mistakes!)
# The staff present on the scene was either from Prometric, or from the local Engineering colleges hired for testing purpose, or from the party Prometric subcontracted to further - NIIT....HAHAHA LOL!!!
# Students reported that the quality of most of these people was so pathetic that it was useless to expect solutions from them! At one location, one of the invigilators kept informing students reading out from some official document stating that "... and if you do not follow our instructions, we will report a file. We will report a file". Report a file? Or file a report?MORONS...PIGGSHIT BSATARDS i really feel sorry for the level of education AND THE LEVEL OF ENGLISH SPEAKING in the country...even today if i explain or teach some a kid of 3rd class to multiply 2 digits i teach him with full enthusiasum...
# The physical security at all locations was supertight. The actual testing process at many - totally unreliable. It is like putting the best rocket launching pad in place, and then putting a bullock cart hoping it will take off in full gusto to reach the Moon. And beyond (remember, it's a 5 year contract!)
6. To all this going on, the official reactions of IIMs and Prometric (till today evneing) were
(i) There are no problems
(ii) There maybe some rescheduling of tests for some candidates
(iii) These are isolated incidents
(iv) Nothing has been cancelled
(v) No servers have crashed
(vi) Don't un-necessary blow things out of proportion
(vii) Errors will happen, what else did you expect in such a big exercise.
AND JUST ONLY A VIDEO CONFRENCE WAS ORGANISED BETWEEN PROMETRIC AND DIRECTORS OF IIMs...i dont feel that's sufficient to warn the u.s firm..and more further why dont indian b-sch trust TCS and INFY or wipro to conduct these projects as they are much aware of indian scenario...